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shotokanman70's picture
Cross/hook/cross pad drill

A basic punching combo that's part of my 6th kyu curriculum. In this video I discuss the importance of weight transfer, pivoting on the front foot and fist position.

Iain Abernethy
Iain Abernethy's picture

Hi Andy,

Another great video! Totally agree with you about the thumb position too, especially when I’m throwing the longer range hooks (as you point out).

Whenever my people ask what hand position is right (thumb up, in or down), I ask two questions:

1) Are you hitting hard?

2) Are you hurting any part of your hand or wrist?

If they answer “Yes” then “No” then I tell them that whatever they are doing is right :-) I think people sometimes overly complicate the issue and boxers are sometimes as prone to dogmatism as we traditional types. Of course, the rules of boxing limit striking to the front of the fist only, so thumb down can be outside the rules because they see it as hitting with the top of the glove / knuckles. It’s therefore often not a practical objection, but a rules based one. Bottomline, see the two questions above :-)

Once again, thanks for posting! I’ve just shared it on social media.

All the best,


shotokanman70's picture

Thanks, Iain. The "fight by the rules" is definitely an obstacle to functionality in all martial arts. Happy new year!

Iain Abernethy
Iain Abernethy's picture

shotokanman70 wrote:
The "fight by the rules" is definitely an obstacle to functionality in all martial arts.

Indeed. That’s why I feel firmly establishing the context is key. What is highly functional in one context can be disastrous in another. However, I have learnt that “the internet does not do nuance” and sadly such conversations often deteriorate into “good / bad” debates; whereas it should be discussions around what is appropriate / inappropriate. Value judgements don’t come into it. Furthermore, when people ask if something “works” or not, we can’t really answer without first establishing, “works for what objective in what context?”. Hitting with an “inverted fist” does not working boxing because it will see you penalised. However, outside of the boxing framework it works great.  

All the best,
