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Iain Abernethy
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The Fighteress Tales Project

Message from Lorraine Hoffmann:

Dear Friends,

My name is Lorraine Hoffmann and I want to tell you about my “Fighteress Tales” project!

I will be traveling around the world from January until April 2020 (mainly Stockholm, Israel, Asia, South America, Canada, North America and back to Europe) in order to meet all sorts of different women doing martial arts. The end goal of the project is to portray those women and putting all the pictures taken and written portraits in a book.

I am searching for women that might want to participate! I am looking for a variety of all kinds of different women - not only highly decorated athletes, but the everyday heroes as well. And not only those doing Karate but every kind of martial arts really (Thai Boxing, Capoeira, Krav Maga, Judo, Jiu Jitsu ... you name it!)

If you know any women that are interested, have any recommendations or if you are a woman that wants to be portrayed yourself, please contact me! I can be emailed at fighteress.tales@web.de or lorraine.hoffmann@live.de

You can learn more about the project here:

Website - https://fighteresstales.wordpress.com  

IG - @fighteresstales https://www.instagram.com/fighteresstales/

Facebook – fighteresstales https://www.facebook.com/fighteresstales/