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Kata Application

This forum is dedicated to an exchange of ideas relating to the practical application of Okinawan and Japanese kata. Increase
your understanding of kata whilst helping others to do the same.

muratmat's picture

Tekki Shodan pad drill

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Frazatto's picture

My interpretation for Saifa Bunkai v1.5

This ended up better than I expected! Also found a friend with a variety of martial arts experiences to help out!

My, not in depth, research on Saifa ended up kinda short. It seams no one knows who created it and Wikipedia suggests it may have been created by Miyagi (since the other branches of Naha-te don't use it). Its name being another death metal album title that says very little to me in terms of intention or objectives.

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muratmat's picture

Promised sparring with Heian kata

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nielmag's picture

Karate is wing chun

Saw a cool video from Jessie Enkamp. Always felt naihanchi/tekki was similar to wing chin

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muratmat's picture

Joint manipulation techniques (Heian Sandan)

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muratmat's picture

Naihanchi / Tekki exercises for training with a partner.

Some simple exercises based on the Naihanchi/Tekki Shodan kata useful for training with a partner.

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Spaniard's picture

Naihanchi/Tekki application from Thai Boxing

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muratmat's picture

Funakoshi's neji daoshi (throw)

One of Gichin Funakoshi's "forgotten" throws, called by the master in two different ways: 捻倒 / Neji-daoshi ("Twisting downward") in his 1925 book and 獨樂投 / Koma nage ("Spinning top throw") in his 1935 book. Funakoshi Sensei tells us that this throw is an application of the Tekki Shodan kata (ナイハンチ初段の變手 / Naihanchi Shodan no hente).

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muratmat's picture

Funakoshi's throws

Some of the Funakoshi's throws I covered in a recent event: 咽押 / Nodo osae (Heian Shodan), 谷落 / Tani otoshi (Heian Godan), 燕返 / Tsubame-gaeshi (Heian Godan).

Particularly in relation to the latter, one of the meanings of the verb 返す / kaesu, i.e., "to retaliate," was analyzed: the final fluent exercise shows precisely the Tsubame-gaeshi throw as a kaeshi-waza against a possible disruption of Tani otoshi.

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Marc's picture

Heian/Pinan Sandan Bunkai full Kata

Hi everybody,

from time to time I use video do remember my bunkai ideas. This is a collection of Heian/Pinan Sandan applications, going through the kata move by move. (We had a bit of fun with the headlocks in the middle. ;-) )

I see Heian/Pinan Sandan as the grappling distance kata in the Heian/Pinan series. All applications are examples of basic principles.

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